Devil's Advocate: Kneeling, Donald Trump, Visor Regulations

Since you haven't been living under a rock, I won't explain to you that there have been weekly protests during the National Anthem in the NFL, MLB and NBA. You know this. Unfortunately, it seems like many people don't understand why, and for that reason, they don't like it. OK, let's go... Colin Kaepernick first sat during the National anthem in 2016, as a peaceful protest against the systematic abuse of power by police officers against African Americans. That's great, I'm all about that. Yeah, but what about the troops? That's disrespectful to the military. I'd like to see him take a knee while he's being robbed, guess what though, he'll call the cops. Maybe if black people would quit being criminals... Wow, what a great point. The national anthem and flag absolutely represents the men and women who selflessly serve to protect the US against evils all around the world. However, it's important to remember that the flag...